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I have many OCs that are contained in different universes or timelines. Some of them are more than characters, as I can talk to and hang out with them.

Unnamed furry world

These characters exist in a furry world that I have not named. There are two timelines for this, the fantasy past and the modern present with faint fantasy themes. The present is is the one with characters, so I will go over them. Also, all of these are the tulpa-esc characters that are also plushes irl.

Lilith is my self insert. She’s a trans wolf (dog) girl. She is loyal to a fault and childlike and -ish. However, not is not naive. She grew up as an orphan and didn’t have a family until she was just turning 18. uhh h fun fact she started as a fnaf oc and like changed gender 3 times before I landed on the current one

Mira is a tall tiger lady that would beat you up. She is rather quiet and quick to annoy, if she doesn’t know you. Again, she is willing to beat the shit out of someone, but is against letting whoever die from the injuries. She had a very bad homelife and ended up killing her father in self defense at the age of 11. She works at a coffee shop and hates it.

Blake is a raccoon dude. He is very needy and spends all of his time around others. He grew up in a very bad household. He has an interest in fire arms.

Lassie is a collie rural church girl. In the plot, she moved into the city (idk why yet) and stayed in Lilith and Mira’s apartment for a while. Because of her sheltered life, she often finds herself shocked at many of the new things and ideas she is presented with. She sometimes needs to find comfort in prayer to deal with it all. She can often be ununderstanding and would probably be a very unaccepting person if she wasn’t a lesbian, lol.

Abbi is a demon worshiping dino girl. She does rituals to fictional demons from video games to gain power (motivation) from them. She is very energetic and impulsive.